
Welcome to Childporn Report.
Childporn Report is a automated platform to process takedown requests.

We've partnered up with many state-sponsored organisations and hosting providers all over the globe.
Together we stand united in our fight against childporn, striving to protect the entire internet.

Partners and Associates

Amongst others the following online organisations are using our Takedown Tool to combat childporn.


IWF ([email protected])
Irish Hotline ([email protected])
Hungary Internet Hotline ([email protected])
Eco (germany) ([email protected])
jugendschutz.net ([email protected])
NCMEC ([email protected])
Advocacy Center for Online Sexual Abuse Victims ([email protected])
KLPD, Dutch Police ([email protected])
EOKM, Meldpunt Kinderporno ([email protected])

The following organisation refuses to use our Takedown Tool for reasons unknown to us.

(wake up!)

Canadian Centre for Child Protection (Cybertip) ([email protected])
Proof that we provided login details (We sent them hundreds of reminders and zero response!)

For further information please email [email protected].